Cooking and baking is not just a necessity, chore, or a hobby for me. It has always been a way to care and show love to my family and friends! I have no formal culinary training, but, after almost 27 years of marriage, I went from only knowing how to make broccoli soup to cooking tasty meals and treats every day for my loved ones! After serving around 25,000 meals I guess I should have learned something!
My favorite hobby is gardening and trying new recipes. I’m writing this blog for my children to have access to my recipes in a readable format. (not having to flip through hundreds of pages in my battered, faded and stained recipe binder) Also, I personally love trying new recipes so love to share the recipes that have been tested, tried and have been found to be tasty. I will never post a recipe that I have not tried enough times to know that it really does work out and tastes delicious!
Now for a bit of history about me…
I have been a homeschooling mom for 20 years. We still have about 6 years to go until all of our children have graduated. When the children were all young, this kept me very busy but was so much fun. I have been truly blessed to be able to stay at home with my children for all of these years. During this time we have done a lot of cooking together as a family. When you have 6 children who have very different tastes, it helps you learn a lot of techniques for making tasty meals and hiding certain vegetables.
I have a passion for reading cookbooks and trying out new recipes or inventing new ones. I love to try them out on my family and friends. Thankfully, they have tolerated this through the years.( even though my recipes haven’t always been a hit right from the get go.) But, that is part of the fun, changing this and that until you have a truly tasty dish!
My children have been telling me for a few years now to get my recipes out of my dilapidated binder and my head and onto paper neatly typed so that they could follow them. So, this is where the idea for a food blog originally came from! I feel that I really need to get these recipes recorded now that my oldest daughter has gotten married and started a family of her own. I also want to post some of my grandma’s recipes which of course were always wonderful.

My 2 precious grandsons!! ❤❤